Books and Podcasts

By Solby Lim ’22

image of books
Book Cover of Colette: Cheri and The End of Cheri 


Colette: Cheri and The End of Cheri 

由Rachel (Rapp) Careau翻译,1986年

Careau offers rich, insightful translations of acclaimed French author Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette’s novels Cheri and The End of Cheri. Careau’s translations are infused with care and  close attention to the original stories, giving readers an in-depth experience of the romance and human narratives in Colette’s texts.

Helen in Trouble


在这个以1963年为背景的成长故事中, 读者被介绍给海伦·伯德, a smart, privileged 16-year-old who must face the consequences of an unexpected pregnancy. Sibbison’s debut novel offers an emotionally complex and thoughtful narrative about the struggles and joys of girlhood.


Acts of Service

Lillian Fishman ' 16

这部处女作讲述的是夏娃的故事, 一个二十多岁的纽约酷儿, as she entangles herself in a clandestine three-way affair with a straight couple. The trio’s dynamic, 既令人兴奋又令人不安, makes Eve question her sense of control and the origin of her desires.



A Woman Who Did Not Wait: Louise Odencrantz and Her Fight for the Common Good

by Nana Rinehart

教授兼作家, Rinehart offers an extensively researched biography of early 20th-century industrial and social reformer Louise Odencrantz (Class of 1907). By bringing attention to Odencrantz’s life and work, Rinehart examines the important roles women played in shaping and improving the American workplace during the 20th century.


The Community 

by N. Jamiyla Chisholm

Barnard’s creative content director makes her book debut with this captivating memoir about the complexities of her family’s past and her experiences reckoning with buried trauma and unresolved tensions from their time in a religious cult. In this reflective personal history, Chisholm crafts a story of hope, justice, and familial healing.

Bookcover of Girl Archaeologist: Sisterhood in a Sexist Profession 





Girl Archaeologist: Sisterhood in a Sexist Profession 


在她扣人心弦的回忆录中, Kehoe recounts her journey to becoming an archaeologist and anthropologist and the challenges of working in a male-dominated field. The book details her influential work on the histories of American First Nations communities and how she built a support system with and for women archaeologists, anthropologists, 和ethno-historians.

Bookcover of 拉·尼金斯卡:现代舞编导


Lynn Garafola 1968年写的

The latest book from emeritus professor of dance Lynn Garafola tells the story of Bronislava Nijinska, 20th-century ballet’s premier female choreographer. 作为一名熟练的历史学家, Garafola provides an expansive examination of Nijinska’s life and work, with a close look at her influence on modern dance history and the obstacles that she and women choreographers faced in the ballet world’s sexist environment. 

抵制艺术世界的潮流: Reflections on Art, Pseudo Art, Art Education & Theory

Michelle Marder Kamhi ' 58

抵制艺术世界的潮流 offers an extensive exploration of traditional visual art and surveys critical discourse on the meaning of the traditional in 20th-century and contemporary art. Kamhi’s latest book both follows up on and provides context for her previous one, Who Says That’s Art? 视觉艺术的常识性观点.




by Lisa Tolin ’97

在托林的绘本处女作中, a young girl explains everything she knows about how to become a true rock-and-roller, and her entertaining advice is accompanied by colorful illustrations (by Daniel Duncan) just as energetic as Tolin’s writing. 


Blood Lines

by Ann Bookman ’70

Both a family history and an inquiry into genetics and our social environment, this collection of poems interrogates the tension between fate and randomness and seeks to uncover the resilient strength of unseen connections and inheritance across five generations of Ashkenazi women.


Ten Thousand Selves


This poet’s latest book reflects on the power of storytelling and subjectivity. Martinez imbues her writings with a worldly and spacious context by rooting her new collection in her scholarship on South Asian religions.





Our Better Half 

Rosara Torrisi ’09

The licensed clinical social worker and sex therapist co-hosts Our Better Half, a podcast focusing on human sexuality, aging, and sex after age 50. 

One Year

Madeline Ducharme, 19岁

Writer and journalist Ducharme’s podcast looks at the people, ideas, politics, culture, 以及改变美国历史的世界十大电子游戏平台, 一次只关注一年.

Scene to Song


In this weekly podcast dedicated to the world of musical theatre, Greenberg and guests discuss topics such as Black women in musical theatre history, 斯蒂芬·桑德海姆的遗产, and evil characters.

Post Reports

Maggie Penman ’12

制片人彭曼领导 Washington Post’s premier podcast, a daily offering featuring detailed reporting and commentary on current events straight from the newsroom. 


保持冷静,继续和Julia Turshen一起烹饪 

Julia Turshen ’07 

The noted cookbook author and food-adjacent guests delve into myriad topics, including cooking, baking, writing, mental health, and relationships.

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