A Q&总统当选人劳拉. Rosenbury

劳拉·A. 罗森伯里站在白色的楼梯上

从重要性来看 of a women’s college to her favorite song to sing at karaoke, the incoming president sat down with 十大电竞游戏综合排名的杂志 回答几个问题.

What is the importance of a liberal arts education in today’s climate?
From the humanities to the social sciences to the arts and STEM, it’s important to be able to look at issues and problems from all perspectives. There is no significant challenge facing us today that only one discipline can fix or can be handled at the level of policy.

There are many examples of the ways gender still mediates interactions and positions of power and privilege. 成为这个社区的一员, 并检查它, 而不是假装它不存在, 是很重要的.

刚刚过去的这个夏天, we saw that what many people see as fundamental women’s rights are still up for negotiation and still contested. I’m excited to be joining a community that is concerned about that and wants to continue to ensure that young women have access to a great education that empowers them to go out and change the world.

You’ll be transitioning from a graduate school of law to an undergraduate liberal arts institution. 为什么会发生这种转变??
Undergraduate education is so important at this moment in time, 因为许多人对我们的许多机构失去了信心, 在我们的民主制度下, 以及我们跨越差异的能力. 在一个被科技改变的世界里, it is on our college campuses and universities where we can create the conditions for dialogue and prepare young people for engaging in an increasingly complex society.

What excites you most about working with Barnard undergraduates in particular?
Barnard undergraduates have so much energy and passion for making a difference. 就是那种激情, 这一承诺, and that energy that motivates me to ensure our students have the best possible community in which to grow and thrive, while also benefiting from the opportunities created by partnering with an amazing research institution like Columbia. I’m eager to join a college that has such a long history of educating leaders and being a part of this vibrant city.  

Barnard faculty have a rich tradition of being teacher-scholars, embracing the teaching mission while also doing cutting-edge research on a wide variety of issues, 致力于解决我们这个时代最紧迫的问题. They are absolutely central to the academic excellence of Barnard and to mentoring our students to have a positive impact. 我很高兴能了解更多的教员, to learn more about their research and how that research informs their pedagogy and their interaction with students.  

你经常把这归功于你的高中指导老师. Sweeney, for pushing you to go to Harvard, and 晚些时候, other mentors helped you navigate academia. What have those relationships taught you about the value of one-on-one relationships in running a large organization like Barnard?
Mr. Sweeney taught me that people can often do more than they think they can, particularly young people. When I’m teaching, I have very high expectations for my students. I believe many of them can rise to the challenge and can do way more than they ever thought possible. 只要有可能, 我试着单独联系, 即使只有5到10分钟, 因为一次谈话可以产生很大的影响, 比你想象的还要多.

(哈佛法学院教授)玛莎·米诺和, 晚些时候, Kent Syverud [president of Syracuse University] taught me how to translate that when it’s advocating for an institution in large groups. I try to make a personal connection with groups of students, potential employers, and alums. I’m excited to become that voice for Barnard and galvanize support to make sure everyone knows how amazing our students and alums are.

How has your Midwest background informed your ethics and values today?
It’s hard to separate out my Midwest background from farming and agriculture. My passion for gardening is very much rooted in the family farm and seeing the gardens that my grandmother and mother planted and tended. 所以我经常用播种这个比喻来思考. When you’re planting a seed, you have no idea when it might take root.

和一个学生在一起, 你种下了一个想法的种子, 那一周可能就会生根发芽, 可能会在那个学期晚些时候发生, 也可能是几年之后. 但这并不意味着教学是徒劳的. Instead, it means that all you can do as a professor is to plant those seeds and cultivate them. Then it’s up to each student and their circumstances that determines how those seeds grow.

Sometimes I tend to get a little impatient, and thinking about gardening helps me with that too. One of my favorite sayings is “We can’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.“我们必须承认,进化是不断的. 我认为组织也是如此, even though sometimes change or innovation can be a long process. Thinking about the possibilities and what might happen if we experiment is rooted in the garden and my Midwest upbringing as well.

I love to hear what’s on people’s minds and to think about ways that I can empower them to do even more than they’re currently doing. 我有一个非常合作、开放的政策. 我喜欢作为团队的一员工作, 找出任何给定的部门, 学生团体, 或者教职员工的需求, then providing them with the resources to be empowered to continue on their chosen path.

So ... 你床头柜上现在是什么?
A book by Mick Herron, a British mystery and thriller novelist. 他写了“慢马”系列.







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